it's been a good day... sisterly visits and playing outside with my little guy.
he's pretty into shadows.
(I think he may have been pointing at the moon, which was visible, if not, then a toy truck. can't totally remember.)
also liked the dandelions.
(side note: i may try to make dandelion tea. also, i wonder about the greens. i've seen them at markets/whole foods, but the greens there are WAY bigger than these ones. something to research? i wonder if they're yummy...)
and here's a green(!) tree and some blue sky. the rain we got that one day last week totally transformed everything to bright colors. soon i'll be at the beach. soon.
Tried to find butterflies/bumblebees, to no avail. I think it was too windy for them...
It's a Leo moon as of mid-day today. Love yourself, but don't be arrogant to others. Venus in Gemini... has anyone else been giving into buying material things for others (okay, and myself a little bit too.)? Just me?
Still reading the blood type diet book. Pretty interesting so far, but some of the foods that are on my "avoid" list... I just don't know. I think it's gonna be more like, "be more conscious of when you eat this. maybe more sparingly?" heh. Will write a review when I'm finished with it, hopefully by weekend's end...