Saturday, April 28, 2012


spring. i like it.
it's been a good day... sisterly visits and playing outside with my little guy. 

he's pretty into shadows.
(I think he may have been pointing at the moon, which was visible, if not, then a toy truck. can't totally remember.)

also liked the dandelions.
(side note: i may try to make dandelion tea. also, i wonder about the greens. i've seen them at markets/whole foods, but the greens there are WAY bigger than these ones. something to research? i wonder if they're yummy...)

and here's a green(!) tree and some blue sky. the rain we got that one day last week totally transformed everything to bright colors. soon i'll be at the beach. soon.

Tried to find butterflies/bumblebees, to no avail. I think it was too windy for them...

It's a Leo moon as of mid-day today. Love yourself, but don't be arrogant to others. Venus in Gemini... has anyone else been giving into buying material things for others (okay, and myself a little bit too.)? Just me? 

Still reading the blood type diet book. Pretty interesting so far, but some of the foods that are on my "avoid" list... I just don't know. I think it's gonna be more like, "be more conscious of when you eat this. maybe more sparingly?" heh. Will write a review when I'm finished with it, hopefully by weekend's end...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

My new favorite beer

Yummy elderberry beer... I love Magic Hat! It's in the new Summer variety packs. :)

(This counts as an entry, right? ;) )

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

food and stars

I REALLY need to start going to bed earlier! I think I need more than 8 hours a night... at least for awhile! My energy reserves have been LOW, I have dark circles that won't go away, I look exhausted... my problem is that I always start to feel energized around 6pm. My body is seriously nocturnal, so therefore I hate going to bed early. I was doing some research on the Blood Type diet... the premise sounds a little hokey to me, but what I read online did actually resonate with me, to an extent. I have blood type A, and the part about how As manifest stress- feeling like they're in a brain fog, not sleeping well/enough, OCD... yup, yup, and yup. Also, I don't really care to eat meat every day, but I do crave it once in awhile (although I've been eating it 2-3 times a week at the suggestion of my Doctor, who's into Chinese Medicine). I just reserved the book, Eat Right 4 Your Type at the library and will give it a read... my diet does need some help. I eat fairly healthily, just not enough, I ingest too much caffeine, and I'm often so tired that I just skip eating a real meal and snack instead. I know all this, and yet, I just kind of keep doing it. So this will be an interesting experiment. I'll try to track it a bit every day to see if I can note any changes!

Today the moon is in Gemini (not for too much longer, though). It's trining (making a 120* angle- favorable aspect) to Saturn, which is in Libra, so I think this could be a good time to brainstorm about your goals, how you'd like to move forward in life. Could be career, love, just in general. You don't need to overexert your brain, though, and nothing that you come up with has to be set in stone, so don't stress too hard, just appreciate the support from the sky. ;) That "of two minds" influence is affecting us all... especially us mutable types! 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

travel and perspective, part one.

I love traveling. Well, I don't really like flying unless I have some Valium or something of the sort, but I love reaching and exploring new places. :) Traveling is something that makes me feel accomplished, like I'm really doing something with myself. So far in life I have traveled a fair amount in the States and Canada, but my international travel is sorely lacking! I have an empty, sad passport begging for stamps. I'm saving money for a trip by way of cleaning houses, and my partner has some points from a credit card that can go toward airline tickets. So, we're slowly but surely saving up. It's intimidating, though- I tried just, ya know, looking up flights and the like, when it hit me that I have no idea what I'm doing, trying to plan any sort of travel outside of America. Like, literally. I have no clue. Cheapest/safest forms of travel and accommodations while there? Nope. How to speak any language besides English, save for "we're going to the beach" in French? (Thanks, high school!). Again, nope.

Not that the information can't be found... somewhere. But my head started spinning while pouring over blogs/travel sites, so, I think I may contact a travel agent at some point as a starting point for my clueless self. 

In the meantime- here's where I want to go (will probably take more than one trip, says my rational brain, while the free-spirited side of me is like, we can do it all in one trip and it will be amazing and affordable! :|)

From what I've researched, it would be quite a bit cheaper to fly into Dublin as opposed to London. My partner is about 40% Irish, has an affinity for Guinness, is very interested in this heritage, so it would work quite well for us:

From there, it'd be over to Scotland/Wales/England...

(Starting to have that thing happen when you look at photos of things you want but can't yet have... like that mix of depression that you're not there now, but excitement that you will be someday)

Then I'd be like, bye...

And mosey on over to France. I'm sure the people will hate me, as I'm from a town named for a French city, except that we completely butcher the pronunciation, I can't speak their language for shit, and I'll probably be the biggest tourist custie ever, geeking out all over the place.

(artist:John Horsewell)

Well, that's all I can do for now. Have to wake up my son from his nap as much as I hate to do that, but if I don't he won't sleep well tonight. Sighs. Also running a few errands and such. Hopefully I will find time tonight to finish this!

Monday, April 23, 2012


Lists help me a lot. Probably the best coping strategy for my adult ADD! Whenever I start to feel overwhelmed with things to do, writing it all down and being able to see it in front of me helps so much. Achieving everything on said list? That's a different story. But what's left over serves as a good reminder for later...

Anyway... rambling. I'm trying to de-clutter our living space. I haven't done a good thorough purging of stuff probably in about a year...? I need to start one area at a time... think I will begin with my closet and dresser drawers. So much I don't wear but can't part with! I still have some shirts that I never wear but still really like from my younger years... I'd like to do either this or this or maybe even  this with them. Except that I don't know how to operate a sewing machine. Maybe I could manage it by hand though? I should set a date, if I don't do it by a certain time, I have to get rid of them so someone else can enjoy them! (btw, I love Pinterest, if you're into it, feel free to follow me here! I'll follow ya back! :) ) Anyway, yes, this is my project to do. I'm thinking three containers... donate, consign, eBay.

So that's one thing on my list. I always have like, multiple lists. One for household stuff, one for personal stuff, one for career-type things. It's kind of crazy thinking of all that we blend into our lives every day and just do. We all wear so many hats, so I don't think anyone should get discouraged if they can't accomplish everything in one day.

So, this was kind of a boring post! Really just a brain dump for me. What's on your list? :)


Just a few shots

a surprise from yesterday

ferry-watching in Portland, Maine

the salt marsh near my home

late sunset, longer days


april showers

Woke up to rain, and real rain, not just an overcast but still somehow bright day like yesterday which only manages to give me a headache. Today it's pouring, my son has already gotten me out to play in the puddles and back inside again. Coffee, breakfast, more coffee, still sleepy. Got lots of sleep but I always want more.

Rearranged living room, more open, better flow. Need to give away loveseat, though, to feel the full effect. Feels nice. Couch now faces the windows, which feels calming. It's quiet inside except for the pattering of rain and my son playing around with his cars, crayons, whatever. It feels cozy, peaceful, I should do some cleaning, bread is baking in the bread machine.

And I'm thinking about the things I really should do- job applications, planning for the future, a possible move 234 miles east, to the literal edge of America- it makes me feel a little stressed. But at least beginning one thing will make me feel less stressed. How do I know that we're making the right choice? I don't want to get stuck, although we are already sort of stuck here. We know it's time for a change. It seems like a good one. I feel drawn there. I think I would feel more inspired. Want to write more, photograph more, document more. Temporary. I have to keep telling myself that it will be a temporary shift. I think I'm getting too far ahead of myself.

Must do some stretches today. And some laundry. And some book-reading. Perhaps some astrology studies. We'll see.