Sunday, January 2, 2011


My future isn't about my past. (Life is only about NOW): Nothing that has ever happened has anything to do with now, unless, in my now, I continue to think and speak about it. Fresh new thoughts today will always give me a fresh new experience.-Ester and Jerry Hicks

This is my theme for the upcoming year. I have this tendency to ruminate on the past and it does me no favors, just keeps me stuck in places I don't need to be. There are so many better places for me to direct my energy!

Being consistent- something I've always struggled with, as I'm sure anyone else who has ADD has as well. And perhaps what I really mean is sticking to what I want to do. I'm the type who gets some idea in her head, semi-explores it, takes a couple steps toward it, and then it just goes nowhere because I don't continue on. I need to be more consistent in that respect- I still want to grow and change positively as a person, obviously.

No photos today- wrong computer. Next time. (Musical laptops is a consequence of being out one myself :/).
