Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Musings on Gemini and Cancer

Signs going through- where did Gemini go? So fun so fast so head spinning! Is it like that after having a Gemini in your life for so long then leaving, for whatever reason? And now cancer.... already more subdued, introspective, plus the moon and mercury... my heads spinning in a different direction. Cue existential crisis.
Literally this morning /early afternoon was great for me. Was in a great mental space, things were going my way even tho I was just doing everyday things like going to work. Noted it was the new moon, but didn't have the exact time. And then I got home from work and that mental space left and since I was back from Zen Ing out at work and back where I have to you know Then I checked the moon and yep, 2* cancer. Felt anxious and stressed. Did a cooldown ritual ;) feel a little better but mostly I am going to fight this urge to just take a Xanax ;) heh...
It's really nice outside right now. Belts of Venus are setting. Hear birds chirping, some people talking in the distance but I can't make out what they're saying, and see the small trees and leaves starting to silhouette against the early evening sky.... beautiful June in maine. Happy almost summer solstice :)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

here and there and here

I miss being on an airplane... even though I don't especially love flying, and the process of actually getting on a plane can be a hassle, I'm missing it pretty hard today. #vacationletdown. Kind of stings. But also makes me look forward. I want to put some photos up on here. Of the travels. Not a tour of Europa but a tour of the western US, at least part of it. : ) Miss it... Love the west. Happy to be back here, to keep the travel bug happy we are planning several short weekend-type trips, to other parts of Maine, Vermont, NYC, maybe even Quebec City if we're lucky. I just have this vision of us being a little family who does cool stuff. Vague, but that's essentially it. Work is a means to an ends, but not necessarily just that. Of course, I would like to have a set, defined career where I make my money, but for me, anyway, I think that will come gradually. I feel like I'm still in the learning stage, even though I'm no longer partaking in a formal education. Although I do miss school sometimes, but I wish I could go to my own ideal school which would have credit hours in astrology, astronomy, space in general, physics, acting/theatre, poetry, music lessons and theory. And on how to grow things, how to forage for food, meditation groups, yoga and nature walks and running and biking, parenting classes, photography, art of all kinds, medicine and health and wellness, psychology and dream analysis and learning at communicating more effectively.... Can that please exist? And can it be affordable? Just a thought. I'm growing sleepy... I think I will go sleep now. Long, but fulfilling, day, but after drinks and other things I just want to snuggle up in my comfy bed and go off to sleep. So, I think that's what I will do. Xs and Os.